Friday, September 30, 2011

Do not attempt this at home!

Today my roommate, once again, foiled my plans and saved my life. Ok, I'm exaggerating a little bit.

Per my watering the tree stumps last night, I figured, hey, no problem, they'll come right out! Forgetting my usual motto "You can never do things the easy way." As I began digging, I realized that I may be digging for months. The stumps wouldn't budge. My lovely neighbor came over and since she's an alcohobbiest as well, we began plans to remove said stump by tying one end of a rope to a car, the other end to the stump, and OMG HOW MUCH FUN WOULD THAT BE!

Overhearing these plans, the roommate then proceeded to use her brain and determine if this was, in fact, a realistic option. She found this:
super awesome stump removal instructions
and thus talked us out of possibly destroying the neighbor's truck.

So, mamasan and I went to our local Home Dump (the x bf's nickname for Home Depot) and bought that 17 lb, tamper head digging bar from the above website. Its pretty awesome, and its always fun to be a cute blonde walking around Home Dump with something that could double as a siege weapon. I could kill a lot of zombies with that thing!

Annoyed with the stumps, I decided to muck around a bit and work on planting some mini succulents in adorable cans from the Mexican market. I also added to my Drip system where my mom planted spider plants, and fixed other parts of it that had come loose. I think in the future I may do a series on installing a Drip System. But for now I have to straighten up the house for D.A.M.E.S. craft night!

Drunken Gardening 102

Just got home from a burlesque show. It's almost 1am, and I went out to water around roots, so they're easier to dig out tomorrow, in heels and false eyelashes.

This is drunken gardening.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Drunken Gardening

Welcome to the first blog of Alcohobbism. I am your intrepid explorer, Dia, and today I will introduce you to the misadventures of drunken gardening. Now, I don't necessarily recommend heavy drinking as in the heat it can decrease the antidiurretic hormone your pituitary glad secretes, and thus resulting in super headachey no good dehydration. That, and I tend to use chainsaws in my gardening, and I'm just not interested in loosing a limb.
Drunk gardening is a term I use loosely to describe the planting methods of the former owners of my garden. There are a few guidelines that they apparently thought were good ideas. First, dig one hole and plant as many plants in it as possible. Second refuse to consider the relative size plants may achieve in the future, thus resulting in my front yard of succulents whose size I have deemed as, bigger than a baby, but smaller than a mini cooper. Exhibit A:
My front yard is a mess of succulents. It's extremely stabby and difficult to weed (the ground cover is lava rock which I have no idea how that 70s throwback ended up in my front lawn, go back to Pompei you bastard! Too soon?). Children fear it, it's probably eaten a few toddlers, but it makes a good moat, no one would ever make it out alive. And someone should probably location scout it for a space movie.
So on a weekly basis, my saintly mother and I get our hands dirty and garden like banshees. It keeps me sane, being in nature, and tearing the shit out of some crazy plants. And I get to use a chainsaw. Win Win!