The roommate suggested that I add drink recipes to this blog to further intice you to read. So, I'm going to start with a drink that I frequently consume at one of my favorite restaurants, Pink Taco.
The drink is called CHAMUCO and is basically a Coronita

turned upside down in a Margarita. It's ridiculously delicious and expensive because once you have one, you want more. The x and I on one particular night did 5 rounds of this stuff and ended up with a ridiculous bill consisting mainly of our bar tab.
The neat thing is, at first you lift up the Coronita to add more to the drink (displacement and all that) but it pours too much in. So Mr. Engineer brilliant x bf discovered that by blowing bubbles into the coronita with your straw, you can add the perfect amount of cerveza to the margarita before the margarita is nada. (yes, I know that is the incorrect usage of the word, but I'm messing with all you gringos out there).
We discovered this drink earlier in our relationship and it was super happy fun times for a while. On special occasions we'd go to Pink Taco, have delicious food and several chamucos and then be silly fucks for the rest of the night.
And then things started to go south.
Now, typically I am a silly drunk, I get super crafty and make stencils to turn the "Hump" signs on streets into "MY HUMPS". But as things progressed, I think the Chamuco's started to turn me. Some people are angry drunks, messy drunks, funny drunks, etc. I've prided myself on never being an angry drunk. But a few nights ago I made the mistake of drinking Chamucos too soon after said relationship ended, oh, and I was drinking those Chamucos with the x. BAD IDEA!
Chamuco chemically mixed with the fibers of my jeans to turn them into Jerk Pants. The x got a mouthfull, including a moment where, nearly in tears, I left the restaurant to regain composure and consider walking home.
I apologized profusely this morning to no avail. The lesson learned here is ONLY DRINK CHAMUCOS WITH YOUR CLOSE GIRLFRIENDS AND BE SILLY WOO HOO GIRLS. Do NOT drink with anyone you have issues with. There is some chemical combination that will not work to your advantage and only make you look like a silly git.
Oh, and upon looking up images for a Chamuco for this post, I came across 2 things. First, the definition: Spanish term for "devil" spanish slang used to describe a mischievious person.
and this image:

'nuff said