Devious Artbabes Making Evil Shit was a craft night I started years ago when I wanted to hang out with friends, drink wine, and be creative. We met on Friday nights every 3 weeks or so, and usually went until after 2am. It was a night for drinking wine, hanging with my other art chicks, and basically being lunatics.
It's where the "My" stencil was made and painted on above the "HUMPS" sign in front of my old apartment, where Tara Armov taught me to love JT, and where the original members of D.A.M.E.S. each got a realistic rooster to take home, from the random box o' cocks I happened to obtain.
It fizzled out a bit when I moved out, but has made a few appearances, typically in the name of burlesque costumes needing to be made.
And THIS is what happens if you don't come to D.A.M.E.S. night:
...and you live next door.
(oh, and we totally got caught, and so our neighbor came over for drinks!)